Rules and Regulations

The District Board has established Rules and Regulations that set policies for:

  • Conditions of Service
  • New Connections and Discontinuance of Service
  • Temporary and Construction Service
  • Billing
  • Rates, Charges, and Fees
  • Metering
  • Irringation
  • Water Service Uses
  • Wastewater Service Uses
  • Grease Traps
  • Industrial Wastes
  • Service and Fire Lines
  • Fire Hydrants

Rules and Regulations are linked below or stop by our office for a paper copy.

Effective May 25, 2020, the Governor of the State of Montana has directed that the exemption to residential utility shutoffs and late fees can be claimed only by a “Vulnerable Person”, i.e. someone who must stay (“shelter”) at home due to age or health problems; and who has a significant financial hardship caused by the Coronavirus that affects ability to pay. Qualification for this exemption must be proved by completing and signing this Application. The exemption does not eliminate the obligation to pay for the costs of utility services provided to the residential premises, only late fees. See below for the Application for Exemption.

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